December 7, 2023

New Paper Check Stock, now with Residence Address

Check enables developers to return paper checks through our API so your customers can use them to print on their own purchased check stock. In the past, we recommended customers purchase DLT 104 check stock, but we’re updating this recommendation to DLT 159 check stock, provided by Deluxe, a leading check printer for top payroll providers. This new check stock better matches our design so you can expect better feedback from your customers. We’ve also added the residence address of the payee to the check so now these checks can fit in #9 Double Windowed Envelopes and be seamlessly mailed. We’re rolling this change out first under a new query parameter `dlt159` on all paper check endpoints, so you can test with your customers before fully rolling out. We plan to migrate all paper check endpoints to the new DLT159 style by 1/31/2024. Note, DLT159 is backwards compatible with DLT104. To see our updated API guidance head here and for FAQs head here.