September 1, 2021

August Changelog

We’re excited to announce a handful of features shipped at Check in August! This month, our team was focused on increasing visibility into our platform through more informative warnings, logs, and statuses. These changes will provide our partners with more transparency and allow them to build better and even more delightful experiences for their end customers. 

API logs + guide

In Check Console, you will find a dashboard that allows users to view their requests to Check’s API. You can find this dashboard in the API Logs tab of the Developers section. Access to this view is limited to admin users of Console. For information, see our API logs guide.

Interested in learning more about how Check Console can help accelerate your payroll product development? Request an API key to gain full access to Console and its guides.

Implementation Status object and KYB status

For every company that a partner onboards, implementation is a necessary precursor to running its first payroll. The term “implementation” in payroll refers to the process of loading data for a company into a new payroll system. Check now surfaces the implementation status of a company on the company object. Within the implementation status object, we now surface the KYB (know your business — a compliance verification of the company in question) status, giving you transparency into the  KYB process for the company. Check will also emit webhooks when these statuses are modified. For information, see our Implementation Status guide.

Introducing `partially_applied` warning code for post-tax deductions

Sometimes, an employee may not have enough net pay to cover a post-tax deduction. For example, they may have net pay of $100 but have a miscellaneous post-tax deduction of $200, so we can’t fully apply that deduction. In this case, you would see the `partially_applied` warning code. We would only apply part of the post-tax deduction in the payroll, in this case, $100. This warning code is now part of our currently available warnings found here.

Introducing `exceeds_max_percent` warning reason for child support garnishment

When an employee has a child support garnishment, they have an amount field and a `max_percent` field. The max percent indicates the max amount of disposable earnings that can be garnished. Today, our API automatically enforces this max percent, but we are now showing `exceeds_max_percent` as a warning in this release. You will be able to find this warning with our current list of warnings, and you can read more about our child support garnishment support here.

Company Start Date is now editable in Console (within the current quarter)

External implementation teams can now edit a company’s Start Date in Console. Based on the company’s implementation status (see above), listed below are how partners can change start dates and how Check will automatically be notified of these changes

  • If the company is in `needs_attention`, then the start date will be editable with no notification sent to Check.
  • If the company is in `in_review`, then the start date will be editable, but if it is changed, a notification will be sent to Check for that particular company to inform Check that the start date has changed.
  • If the company is in `complete`, then the start date will be editable, but if it is changed, a notification will be sent to Check for that particular company to inform Check that the start date has changed.
  • Start date cannot be set to a date in the past.
  • Start date cannot be edited outside of the quarter it was initially set.

For more information on Company Start Date, see our reference document. For a more in-depth experience of Console, request an API key here.

The new async paper checks API is live

This API returns a generated URL that partners can poll for paper checks. With this API, you can now get paper checks for an entire payroll in an async manner instead of having to synchronously print paper checks on a per employee basis.

API limit: Note that the maximum number of items/contractors that this API can render for a given payroll is 50. For more information, see our paper checks reference.

Updated semi-monthly pay schedules configuration

Check now supports selecting any pair of dates in a month for semi-monthly pay schedules instead of only supporting the 1st-15th or 15th-end of the month. An optional `second_payday` attribute to the Pay Schedule object has been added. This field should only be used with the semimonthly frequency to specify custom paydays besides the 15th and last day of the month. For more information, see our pay schedules guide.